The Key to Blog 1.0
tu negocio

The Key to Blog 1.0

Luego del éxito del pasado workshop, era necesario volverlo a repetirlo. La experiencia de poder compartir con personas esta pasión que he estado desarrollado ya por casi 4 años ha sido tan gratificante y de crecimiento personal. La cita se dio el sábado pasado en las hermosas instalaciones de Rie Dominicana, el lugar perfecto para poner la creatividad en marcha.

The Key To Blog 1.0 Meet the creative workshop 'The Key To Blog', a workshop that teaches you everything you need to know in order to start a blog.

The Key To Blog 1.0 Meet the creative workshop 'The Key To Blog', a workshop that teaches you everything you need to know in order to start a blog.

Las asistentes contaron con un goodie bag lleno de regalitos a cargo de nuestros patrocinadores: un vaso térmico por Je Suis Brillant, porta vaso por Telaio, un collar de Carol Designs, porta monedas de Sonrai, adema de sus libretas con la portada de la ilustración de Christian Pimentel.

Anny Muñoz de AM Workshops se encargó de decorar el espacio y la mesa de catering con hermosas flores amarillas y blancas, que aportaron tanta luz y energía positiva al ambiente. Luego de aprender algunos tips de fotográfias y redes sociales, las chicas estaban listas para ponerlos en practica a la hora del almuerzo (porque a las bloggers nos encanta documentar lo que comemos .. haha!).Xiomara Especialidades nos preparó unas hermosas cajitas que contenían wraps de pollos con ensalada (yummy, yummy!) y nos mantuvo hidratadas y en pilas con unos ricos coffee breaks.

Mientras caía la tarde, las chicas aprendían mas sobre como monetizar sus blogs y convertirlos en un negocio rentable para realizar propuestas a futuros patrocinadores.  Wiri Wood de ConnaMore pasó por allá y nos deleito con unos riquísimos postres junto a la degustación de la crema de whisky Clubber. Una forma exquisita de terminar el día.

Estoy sumamente agradecida con este grupo de chicas que se dieron cita durante un día completo a aprender más sobre el mundo de los blogs y como lograr que sean exitosos. El grupo fue super variado, lo que le dió muchísimo dinamismo a todo el taller. Algunas llegaron con una idea y salieron con un concepto totalmente revolucionado. Por lo que fue una misión cumplida.

The Key To Blog 1.0 Meet the creative workshop 'The Key To Blog', a workshop that teaches you everything you need to know in order to start a blog.

The Key To Blog 1.0 Meet the creative workshop 'The Key To Blog', a workshop that teaches you everything you need to know in order to start a blog.

The Key To Blog 1.0 Meet the creative workshop 'The Key To Blog', a workshop that teaches you everything you need to know in order to start a blog.

The Key To Blog 1.0 Meet the creative workshop 'The Key To Blog', a workshop that teaches you everything you need to know in order to start a blog.

The Key To Blog 1.0 Meet the creative workshop 'The Key To Blog', a workshop that teaches you everything you need to know in order to start a blog.

The Key To Blog 1.0 Meet the creative workshop 'The Key To Blog', a workshop that teaches you everything you need to know in order to start a blog.

The Key To Blog 1.0 Meet the creative workshop 'The Key To Blog', a workshop that teaches you everything you need to know in order to start a blog.

The Key To Blog 1.0 Meet the creative workshop 'The Key To Blog', a workshop that teaches you everything you need to know in order to start a blog.

The Key To Blog 1.0 Meet the creative workshop 'The Key To Blog', a workshop that teaches you everything you need to know in order to start a blog.

The Key To Blog 1.0 Meet the creative workshop 'The Key To Blog', a workshop that teaches you everything you need to know in order to start a blog.

The Key To Blog 1.0 Meet the creative workshop 'The Key To Blog', a workshop that teaches you everything you need to know in order to start a blog.

The Key To Blog 1.0 Meet the creative workshop 'The Key To Blog', a workshop that teaches you everything you need to know in order to start a blog.

The Key To Blog 1.0 Meet the creative workshop 'The Key To Blog', a workshop that teaches you everything you need to know in order to start a blog.

The Key To Blog 1.0 Meet the creative workshop 'The Key To Blog', a workshop that teaches you everything you need to know in order to start a blog.

The Key To Blog 1.0 Meet the creative workshop 'The Key To Blog', a workshop that teaches you everything you need to know in order to start a blog.

The Key To Blog 1.0 Meet the creative workshop 'The Key To Blog', a workshop that teaches you everything you need to know in order to start a blog.

The Key To Blog 1.0 Meet the creative workshop 'The Key To Blog', a workshop that teaches you everything you need to know in order to start a blog.

The Key To Blog 1.0 Meet the creative workshop 'The Key To Blog', a workshop that teaches you everything you need to know in order to start a blog.

The Key To Blog 1.0 Meet the creative workshop 'The Key To Blog', a workshop that teaches you everything you need to know in order to start a blog.

The Key To Blog 1.0 Meet the creative workshop 'The Key To Blog', a workshop that teaches you everything you need to know in order to start a blog.

The Key To Blog 1.0 Meet the creative workshop 'The Key To Blog', a workshop that teaches you everything you need to know in order to start a blog.

The Key To Blog 1.0 Meet the creative workshop 'The Key To Blog', a workshop that teaches you everything you need to know in order to start a blog.

The Key To Blog 1.0 Meet the creative workshop 'The Key To Blog', a workshop that teaches you everything you need to know in order to start a blog.

The Key To Blog 1.0 Meet the creative workshop 'The Key To Blog', a workshop that teaches you everything you need to know in order to start a blog.

The Key To Blog 1.0 Meet the creative workshop 'The Key To Blog', a workshop that teaches you everything you need to know in order to start a blog.

The Key To Blog 1.0 Meet the creative workshop 'The Key To Blog', a workshop that teaches you everything you need to know in order to start a blog.

Para finalizar, le tengo ya la fecha del próximo workshop: Sábado 11 de Octubre 2014.

Mas info AQUI. Y a petición del público nuevo workshop en agenda sobre FOTOGRAFIA... ¡siiii, asi mismo! Las que siempre me comentan sobre mis fotos en instagram y el blog, y me preguntan como lo hago ... El proximo 13 de septiembre daré un taller sobre esto. Mas información LEER AQUI.

¡Los Espero!

Fundadora de The Key Item. Directora creativa, estilista y creadora de contenido.